Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dallas ISD: one of the most improved graduation rates in all of Dallas County.

Dallas ISD must continue the progress!
Graduation Rate Measurement History for Dallas County Texas Schools
(Right click on above chart to enlarge and/or print.)
This chart clearly documents the dramatic progress in Dallas ISD graduation rates, especially when compared to the other 12 large school districts in Dallas County.

What this chart does not show is that DISD had an 8 percentage point improvement during the two years just before the first year shown, and another percentage point increase last year, also not shown on this chart.  These numbers are shown in the chart below. 

From 2006 through 2011 the CPI graduation rate for DISD has gone up a total of 23.8 percentage points!  DISD is one of the most improved, if not the most improved, urban districts in all of the United States.  It certainly is the most improved in Dallas County!

Dallas ISD is going in the right direction!  We must not slow down!
Dallas ISD Enrollment & Graduation History 1996-2011
(Right-click on above image to enlarge.)
The red squares in the chart above are years in which that graduation rate measurement went down. It appears such red squares may be in the DISD future again if we cannot change the way DISD teachers are treated.   If you see ANY errors in the above please email .

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dallas ISD History & Progress 1971-2011

The following chart tracks DISD enrollment and graduation patterns from 1971 to 2011. It documents one view of the civil rights agony in Dallas that is still too close to objectively access. However, graduation rate progress these past 5 years is clearly documented.  DISD graduation rates are going up. They are now the highest they have been in over 25 years!
Dallas ISD Enrollment & Graduation History from 1971 to 2011
(Right click on above chart to download and/or enlarge.)
This progress must continue, and accelerate!

Thoughts about the above chart are welcome, especially from those who lived through this dramatic history.